Naam = the word
Naam yoga is an unique mixture of wisdom from the east (Yoga) and the west (Kabbalah) founded by Dr. Joseph Michael Levry (Gurunam), a master of Divine Spiritual Wisdom and Universal Kabbalah.

It merges eastern yogic practices with the practical esoteric teachings of Universal Kabbalah, also called the ancient yoga of the west. The ultimate goal for Universal Kabbalah is to unite the East & West through the magic of sacred music.

Naam yoga will help you to clear your mind, get in tune with your life purpose and you will experience inner peace.

While moving we sing mantras (ancient prayers) and we do Mudras (hand gestures) contacting the meridians as well as breathing exercises and meditation.

It is considered yoga for the brain as the brain gets massage from the mantra vibrations and from coordination of movements and hand gestures.

With adding breathing exercises and meditation you will also gain control over your mind. And when you can master your mind yout can also master your reality.

However, the immediate effect is a release of blocked energy so that a self healing process can begin which will result in a reconnection with the joy of life!

“We move for the body, breath for the mind and chant for the soul.”

Article in Svenska Magasinet
“An external and internal adventure”

Harmonyum healing was founded by Dr. Joseph Michael Levry (Gurunam) who is also the founder of Naam-yoga.

It is a gentle hands on treatment along the spine that will relax you. Read more about Harmonyum healing ››